Hi Everyone,
I apologize for not being in class today. I began feeling like I was coming down with something last night, and this morning I woke up ill. In any case, we still have to move along with the classwork whether I'm there or not. So, below, you will find instructions of what to do for next week's class.
As always, you should not freak out if your work doesn't function 100% the first time you type out your code. There are ALWAYS a million ways to make mistakes. In fact, one of the most important skills you will learn in this class is exactly how to find your mistakes when you inevitably make them.
This week's homework builds upon the last two weeks of work we have done in class. You will need your animations that you did for homework this past week, as well as what you did in class last week
Each week, I will post two things: (1) the files that we produced in class that week; and, (2) the homework that will be due the following week.
- Classwork
- LINK This week's class files
- Homework
- exercise 1: You will need your TWO walk animations, the one we did in class and the 2nd that you should have done for homework. If you do not have these two available, you will need to create those first
- Create a folder for your work named week 3.
- Place your two walk-animations into this folder and rename them, one.fla and two.fla.
- Create a new file, set a background color, and start off by saving your file as index.
- Now, create a new fully-functioning button symbol with all of the required 4 frames.
- With the button on the stage, test your movie to make certain it functions properly when you mouse-over it and when you press down on it.
- From the library, drag another instance of this button onto the stage, and place them both near the bottom edge of the stage.
- Select one of the instances (do NOT double-click and enter into edit mode).
- Open the properties, and provide an instance name for the first button of b1_btn.
- Now, click on the other button on the stage to select it.
- Again in the properties, type an instance name for this button as well of b2_btn.
- Name the first layer buttons.
- Save your file and test again to update the .swf file.
- Open each of your other two animation files one at a time and test those as well to generate updated .swf files for both of them.
- If you look in your folder now, you will see that you have SIX files, 3 .fla files and 3 .swf files.
- Click on the index tab to go to that file and create a new layer above the buttons layer named as.
- Lock the other layer, click in frame 1 of this new layer, and open the actions panel (F9).
- Download the class-files from the link above and open the file named as.txt in a text or code editor.
- Highlight and copy ALL the code and text you see there, and then paste it into the actions panel for your index.fla file.
- You will notice that all of the text that falls after the // characters is grayed out, as is the text that falls in between the /* and */ characters. These are known as comments and I suggest that you type them along with your ActionScript so that later on you will know what you were trying to do with your code.
- Now save and test your movie. The first button should cause your first animation to load into the index file. The second button, however, does not yet work because we have not typed the code for that yet.
- exercise 2: You are to attempt to type the code that loads the second animation file when you click on the other button.
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