Hi Everyone,
As mentioned in the first posting, this is the temporary home of our blog. I've sent an email out to the person that has already reserved DMA205.blogspot.com to see if he'll allow me to take over that name, but until then, I will be using DMA-205.blogspot.com.
Regarding last week's work, it regards creating animation with the new motion tween method in CS4, as well as an introduction to ActionScript. If you were not in class, please download the files and make an attempt to do the homework. If necessary, send me an email and I will try to explain to you.
For this week's work, since most people did NOT do the homework for the previous week, the homework for this week will be almost identical to the first week's, save one detail, so make sure you read the instructions carefully.
Each week, I will post two things: (1) the files that we produced in class that week; and, (2) the homework that will be due the following week.
And once again, since I am just now starting this blog, it will take me some time to get it into shape. So, if you have any difficulties with it, please let me know.
- Classwork
- LINK This weeks classfiles
- Homework
- exercise 1: If you noticed in last week's work that we completed in our first class, your animations will not only stop when you click on the stop button; but at some point, they will stop automatically on their own. This is okay as far as it goes, but it is a little problematic. Ideally, what we would want is, first, for the movie to be stopped when you first start it up. That much we have covered so far from class. Second, we would like the buttons to provide us with the ability to both stop the animation and start it back up again. Again, we already have that covered. Lastly, we would like the animation to play continuously once we click on the play button and keep on playing until we click on the stop button. It should NOT seemingly of its own accord.
Those of you who can solve this issue will receive extra credit. - exercise 2: Similar to last week's in-class exercise, I would like you to create a brief little animation of a REFINED walk cycle with your character walking across the stage. This time, you MUST draw something more than a pair of legs. Many of you completed a decent one in class, but almost all of them needed improvements. This animation should have as many frames as you need. Also like our in-class exercise, you should have two fully-functioning buttons, play & stop, which should similarly start-up, stop, and play the animation.
In addition, however, you should have a 3rd button. This button should use what we call a gotoAndPlay(); action instead of stop(); or play();. Look in the book exactly how to use this action, and I would like you to make it go to frame 100 and start playing from there.
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