1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12
  13. week 13

kirupa.com Tutorials

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fall 09 week 13:
12/07/09: Wed. 9:00 - 12:00

Hi Everybody,
It has been a nice term and I've enjoyed teaching you this semester. I hope you feel that you've learned a little about how to begin creating interactive content with Flash. I'm pleased at how well you all have seemed to pick it up, and am confident that you'll do well the remaining terms you have here at TCI.

I'll be gone for the Spring term on sabbatical and won't return until May, so there may be a few of you that I won't see again. It's been a real pleasure teaching you, and good luck in the Future!

Please email me before our next class if you need any final assistance before you turn you project in. I will be available to come in to TCI on Saturday as well if any of you require it. Just let me know.

    WEEK 13
  1. Final Requirements
    • NOTE— Please look at your midterm project and make some modifications to your menu. You should include the TWO drop-down menus that I ask for below. The function for these menus should follow my guidelines in last week's posting. Please note below one modification that you will have to make to that code. The requirements below were put in the week 9 posting of this blog. I am repeating them here this week so that you have all the requirements. The one modification that I am making to the requirements I stated that week is that the Video page is entirely for extra credit. If you get it to stop as stated previously when you click on other pages, then that will be additional extra credit:

      1. PAGES: Make certain that your INDEX FILE has a total of at least six links in your menu. These links must include the following:
        1. Home;
        2. Bio/Biography;
        3. an Image Gallery (of Art Works)—This should be a drop-down menu with at least 3 links and each page should have 8-10 images;
        4. Video—This page is entirely for extra credit. If you get it to stop as stated previously when you click on other pages, then that will be additional extra credit
        5. Your own link—depending on who your artist is and what he/she does, you should come up with an idea for an additional page all your own. This should NOT include a contact page;
        6. Information: This should be a DROP-DOWN MENU which contains two buttons—
          1. Information about gallery or museum Exhibitions or Collections;
          2. Information about your research and what can be discovered about the artist: this is known as a Bibliography—This part of nearly everyone's project was VERY weak. Please make sure that you use good sources both online and, I advise, offline; and then, make certain that you document where you got your information. This page should be thorough: all of you have chosen famous artists, so make sure you do some research and put a list of sources for more information here. Also, categorize them according to whether they are books, articles websites, or something else.

            Other good sources of information are your Art History teachers, or me;

      2. SIZE: If it is not already, make sure that the size of your pages is at least 800px X 600px landscape. Larger is fine if you like, but careful not to make it too much beyond 1000px X 700px as most computer users will not see some of your page if you make it larger than that.

      3. AUDIO: As mentioned in class and in previous postings, please create a toggle button and add background music that may be turned on and off with that button. Check last week's posting for additional information, or look in the text for this class.

      4. CODE TIP:

        In the code that I offered you in last week's posting, near the bottom I typed an action known as navigateToURL. This action is to be used ONLY for EXTERNAL LINKS. External links are only for pages OUTSIDE of your website, not pages within your website.

        You already know how to "link" to pages within your own website. To do this, for the last 10 weeks, we have been using URLRequests and Loaders. You must also do that for your drop-down menus.

        I only used navigateToURL as an example, and also to show you a new action, how to make your links in your bibliography actually link to external sites. Please make sure you adjust the code for your drop-down menus accordingly.

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