1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12
  13. week 13

kirupa.com Tutorials

Friday, November 27, 2009

Fall 09 week 11:
11/23/09: Wed. 9:00 - 12:00

Hi Everybody,
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, but don't forget about this class. There are only 2 more to go.

    WEEK 11
  1. Classwork
    • LINK    This week's class files

  2. Homework
    • exercise 1— Please complete the classwork from Monday regarding the drop-down menu. Put a serious effort into getting this to work, as you will need it in your final projects.
    • exercise 2— Also, please be on the lookout for an email over the next day or two from me. It will contain important information.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fall 09 week 10:
11/16/09: Wed. 9:00 - 12:00

Hi Everybody,
Please do your best to complete the homework this week as everything we do from now until the end of the term will eventually become a part of the final project.

    WEEK 9
  1. Classwork
    • LINK    This week's class files

  2. Homework
    • exercise 1— Please look at how we constructed the drop down menu 2 weeks ago (LINK) and make some revisions:
      1. Instead of using button symbols as the buttons in your drop-down menu, create movieclip symbols that act like buttons in the way that we made our movieclip buttons in class on Monday (see the files above from class this week).
      2. The best way to go about this, perhaps, is to start by trying to get multiple movieclips to behave as buttons first (see the files from this week—LINK—and from week 8—LINK); and then,
      3. Then, once you are able to do that, you should put the buttons together into a drop-down menu and get it to function properly as we did 2 weeks ago, but this time with movieclips.

    • exercise 2— If you did not do so last week, do the homework exercise that I assigned for week 9 for our next class.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall 09 week 9:
11/09/09: Wed. 9:00 - 12:00

Hi Everybody,
It was a nice class we had this week. It seems that most of you have gotten what we worked on in class. As mentioned, I will go back to the issue of drop-down menus in class next week; however, there is one small piece of homework that I'd like you to take care of over the weekend and bring to class next week.

    WEEK 9
  1. Classwork
    • LINK    This week's class files

  2. Homework
    • exercise 1— Please look at your midterm project and make some modifications to your menu. You should include any drop-down menus that I ask for below. These do NOT have to actually link to pages yet, but make certain that you've begun to design your page to accommodate them. This means I want you to have made space for the drop-down menus that I ask for and to put something there in their places even if you don't get them to work properly as we did in class. In addition, you should begin doing the research to gather all the necessary information below to fill up your pages:
      1. Make certain that your INDEX FILE has a total of at least six links in your menu. These links must include the following:
        1. Home;
        2. Bio/Biography;
        3. an Image Gallery (of Art Works)—This should be a drop-down menu with at least 3 links and each page should have 8-10 images;
        4. Video—This will be explained in class;
        5. Your own link—depending on who your artist is and what he/she does, you should come up with an idea for an additional page all your own. This should NOT include a contact page;
        6. Information: This should be a drop-down menu which contains two buttons—
          1. Information about gallery or museum Exhibitions;
          2. Information about your research and what can be discovered about the artist: this is known as a Bibliography—This part of nearly everyone's project was VERY weak. Please make sure that you use good sources both online and, I advise, offline; and then, make certain that you document where you got your information. This page should be thorough: all of you have chosen famous artists, so make sure you do some research and put a list of sources for more information here. Also, categorize them according to whether they are books, articles websites, or something else.

            Other good sources of information are your Art History teachers, or me;

    • exercise 2— If it is not already, make sure that the size of your pages is at least 800px X 600px landscape.

    • EXTRA CREDIT— As you may have discovered, the use of the text array did not work properly in class on Monday. This is due to the fact that the type of symbol that we used was a button. It would only have worked if we had made the buttons out of movieclips as demonstrated a couple weeks ago.
        Extra credit goes to the person on Monday who can show me how to create a drop-down menu using movie-clips that do three things:
      1. change color when the user mouses over (and changes back when the user mouses off); and
      2. displays the text from the array;
      3. opens up a URL (a website) when the buttons are clicked on--the other (wk10) file that I have in the .zip folder shows how this can be achieved;

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall 09 week 8:
11/02/09: Wed. 9:00 - 12:00

Hi Everybody,
Good Work, yesterday! Let's keep it up. There's homework this week, and extra credit. Have a nice week.

    WEEK 8
  1. Classwork
    • LINK    This week's class files
  2. Homework
    • exercise 1— Making a Movie-Clip behave as a button:
      1. Draw a rectangle with the following characteristics:
        1. width: 150px;
        2. height: 25px;
        3. fill color: light gray;
        4. stroke color: dark gray;
        5. stroke width: 5px;
      2. Select the fill (NOT the stroke).
      3. Convert it to a movie-clip named rFill_mc.
      4. Temporarily, cut and Paste it into its own layer.
      5. Give it the instance name of rFill.
      6. Move this layer below the first layer and lock it.
      7. Select the entire stroke and convert it to a movie-clip named rStroke_mc.
      8. Give it the instance name of rStroke.
      9. Unlock both layers, and select both the stroke and the fill on the stage.
      10. Convert them together into another movie-clip named btn_mc.
      11. Give it the instance name of rect.
      12. Delete the blank layer.
      13. Enter into edit mode for the rectangle.
      14. Once inside the rectangle movie-clip, select both the fill and the stroke on the stage.
      15. Then, right-click on top of your selection and choose distribute to layers. Make sure the stroke layer is on top.
      16. Delete the blank layer, and exit edit mode.
      17. What you have now is a set of nested movie-clips: you have the main movie-clip named rect, and the nested movie-clips inside, stroke and fill.

      18. Your job for homework is to make ONLY THE STROKE change to RED when the user mouses over; and then, when the user mouses off, for the color to go back to its original dark gray.

    • extra credit: Using BUTTON SYMBOLS as buttons (and NOT movie-clips as buttons), together with the VISIBLE property, create a very simple drop-down menu with a total of 5 buttons in it.