Hi Everyone,
Nice to be back. Hate being out, but I guess occasionally it cannot be helped. Better than getting all of you sick too.
But okay, we've officially jumped into the real stuff of this class, ActionScript, so good luck and try not to get behind.
Below, you will find the files that we created in class. You should use them as references for your own work.
You will also find the assignment for the final project. You have little time to produce this, so don't delay!
- Classwork
- LINK This week's class files
- Homework
- exercise 1: Since not a single person in class really tried to do the homework this week, it will be due next week and worth double the points: you will need your TWO walk animations, the one we did in class and the 2nd that you should have done for homework. If you do not have these two available, you will need to create those first. In addition, create a third animation. This time, with an entire character walking, and not only legs.
- Create a folder for your work named week 4.
- Place your three walk-animations into this folder and rename them, one.fla, two.fla and three.fla.
- Create a new file, set a background color, and start off by saving your file as index.
- Now, create a new fully-functioning button symbol with all of the required 4 frames.
- With the button on the stage, test your movie to make certain it functions properly when you mouse-over it and when you press down on it.
- From the library, drag two more instances of this button onto the stage, and place them both near the bottom edge of the stage as we did in class this week.
- Select one of the instances (do NOT double-click and enter into edit mode).
- Open the properties, and provide an instance name for the first button of b1_btn.
- Now, click on the 2nd button on the stage to select it.
- Again in the properties, type an instance name for this button as well of b2_btn.
- Repeat the above 2 steps for the third button.
- Name the first layer buttons.
- Save your file and test again to update the .swf file.
- Open each of your other two animation files one at a time and test those as well to generate updated .swf files for both of them.
- If you look in your folder now, you will see that you have EIGHT files, 4 .fla files and 4 .swf files.
- Click on the index tab to go to that file and create a new layer BELOW the buttons layer named frame.
- Create a frame similar to the one that we did in class. Make it so that it is rectangular with curved corners.
- Create a new layer named as.
- Lock the other layers, click in frame 1 of this new layer, and open the actions panel (F9).
- Download the class-files from the link above and open the file named as.txt in a text or code editor.
- Use this code as an example of what to type for your homework. Chances are, it will NOT function properly if you simply copy and paste.
- exercise 2: Choose a topic for your MIDTERM PROJECT. This should be a visual artist from the 20th Century prior to 1950. If you are not certain which one to choose, then ask your art history instructor or me for suggestions. You must come to class prepared to tell me your idea, or you will not get credit for your homework. You should also come with more than one artist in mind, as some artists are very popular (such as DalĂ, Picasso, Warhol, and Matisse) and there will only be one person per artist.